Jan Woelfle, CEO Hahnemuehle, Statement Consumable for Corona / Covid19 Tests

Hahnemühle turns 435: the success story of a paper manufacturer

Thanks to a deed that has been preserved through the centuries, we can trace the beginnings with certainty: on 27 February 1584, the Duke of Brunswick authorised the operation of a paper mill at Relliehausen in the Solling hills. Papermaker Merten Spieß, beneficiary of the ducal authorisation, set to work and wrote the first chapter…


Canyonlands e Arches 002 ©Jared Windmueller

“Awesome!” Jared Windmueller on Photo Rag® Metallic

Jared Windmueller is “Artist of the Month” in Hahnemühle´s FineArt Gallery featured by German magazine „ProfiFoto“ (issue 3/2019). He was one of the first photographers to test the new FineArt Paper Photo Rag® Metallic. Why does the metallic shimmering paper thrilled him even for his landscape photography? Read in here. Jared Windmueller Photographer How did…


Hahnemühle trendsetters at Creativeworld

“At the weekend, we were almost swamped with visitors to our stand,” says Rana Ardal-Altun, Product Manager for Traditional FineArt at Hahnemühle, happily. “As an advertising gag, we produced our new ‘the ZigZag book’ in a mini format. There was so much interest that we are considering adding the item to our range.” The ZigZag…
