Manuello Paganelli Portrait

Manuello Paganelli: From Analogue to Digital

Interview with Manuello Paganelli for photokina 2018. We are delighted to showcase one of his hauntingly ‘Romania’ images. Captured on film and superbly printed on a perfectly matching Photo Rag® Baryta paper. Paganellis imagery stands in the tradition of Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank and Ansel Adams, the great US-American landscape photographer. What both photographers have in common…


The CAPPUCCINO Book – Hahnemühle’s new sketch book

With its light-brown paper, this sketchbook reminds of a cappuccino with fresh froth. Therefore, it’s the ideal first choice for warm shades of colour. On the restrained background, colours stand out well and shine gently. By setting white accents, you can create wonderful contrasts. The smooth sketch paper, with its closed surface, is perfectly suited…


Artist Sandra Strait reflects on Hahnemühle Nostalgie

Review of the Hahnemühle Nostalgie Sketchbook by Sandra Strait “I’ live in Fairview, Oregon, U.S.A.  I have no formal education in art, just my 10,000+ hours of practice. My father was a zookeeper, who often brought home wild animals for us to raise. While all the other children in my neighborhood had cats and dogs…


©Martin Häusler Cuban Beauty Limted Edition Hahnemühle Print

Cuban Beauty: Hollywood-Havana-Heidelberg

Martin Hausler returns with a new exhibition project and the publication of his debut book ‘Cuban Beauty’. Having travelled to Cuba for client shoots many times previously, Martin developed his own view and perspective of the beauty of this mysterious Caribbean island. Martin spent over three years casting native Cuban models, scouting for the most…


Neue Nationalgalerie 3 Berlin 2013©Arina Daehnick

Photographic encounters by Arina Daehnick

“At the beginning of each of my projects is an encounter. When such an encounter has taken place, I follow my photographic intuition. Reflections and mirrorings give rise to different image levels, which I make visible. My pictures from the metropolises of the world offer different levels of perception. They invite to interpretations and associations.…


One Euro Sculptures by Oliver Schwarzwald

“Photo Rag Baryta has a very elegant light gloss and the baryta paper structure supports the effect of my sculptures – whether in colour or black and white. The slightly warm tone of the paper gives the image depth and thus the look is very different from that of the standard photo papers. This is…


Watercolor Postcards

It’s painting time! Now with two grades of Watercolour Postcards

Hahnemühle´s Watercolour Postcards are real bestsellers and now also available with a matt paper surface. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the artist editions, the paper manufacturer launched cold pressed postcards in the limited metal boxes beside the rough postcards which already have collector status in their limited edition treasure box. Those who…


Interview with YouTuber Makoccino!

How to become successful on Hahnemühle has been working closely with the very successful YouTuber Makoccino during the past year. Makoccino, also known as Alexandra, has over 1 Million followers on YouTube where she posts painting tutorials which people can take part in. In cooperation with us, Makoccino has created the YouTube video below…


©Mark Edward Harris_USA Indianapolis Orangutan Azy

“Getting every ounce of information onto paper” Mark Edward Harris

Mark Edward Harris Interview for Hahnemühle – Sony World Photography Award Shortlist 2018 Mark Edward Harris’ Orangutan portrait of Azy with a Mona Lisa like smile is from one of his latest projects. His series “Eyes are the Window to the Soul” allowing viewers to come face to face with these sentient beings. Humans and…
