
Hahnemühle DIY Inkjet Leather Albums for Photographers

The Hahnemühle FineArt Inkjet Leather Albums are a new DIY concept in its range of Digital Inkjet Albums. London based photographer Sara Atteby explains below why she uses Hahnemühle FineArt Leather Albums for her wedding shoots: “I use the albums for my wedding and possibly also portrait clients in the near future. I learnt to…



'Wed-In-Tins' Hahnemühle FineArt Inkjet Photo Cards

The new improved Hahnemühle FineArt Inket Photo Cards are perfect for a lovely gift or a mobile portfolio presentation. The popular photo cards are displayed in an elegant metal tin and are available in four Hahnemühle FineArt qualities; Photo Rag® 308, Museum Etching, FineArt Pearl and Photo Rag® Baryta. For a maximum ‘wow’ from your…


Definitely Maybe

Definitely Maybe – The Oasis Photographs by Michael Spencer Jones

During the 20th anniversary of the Oasis album ‘Definitely Maybe’ a new exclusive exhibition opened Friday 6th June and runs until Sunday 29th June 2014 at The Royal Albert Hall, London. A selection of images from photographer Michael Spencer Jones will be on display capturing the early years of Oasis. Many of the images that…


Royal Visit at Hahnemühle FineArt

We are very honored. Princess Reem Al Faisal, granddaughter of the late King Faisal, visited Hahnemühles’ headquarter in Dassel on May 26, 2014.

100 years of Leica photography: "10 x 10" exhibition on Hahnemühle Paper

Together Leica Camera AG and Hahnemühle, represent 530 years German corporate history and stand for two iconic brands and products “Made in Germany”. At the opening of the Leitz Park in Wetzlar, the new Leica headquarters, both manufacturers team up in the high-caliber exhibition “10 x 10” in the new Leica Gallery. Read more in…


Fotograf Platon mit Fotoprint von Obama

Celebrity photographer Platon prints on Hahnemühle Digital FineArt paper

Barack Obama’s fine intimate smile, Putin’s frightening aura … Captivating, touching, glorifying are the portraits of the British photographer Platon. He photographed traditionally on film, scans his negatives and retouched his large format exhibition prints to the smallest detail in his New York studio. “Handcraft to handcraft. I use the genuine artist papers manufactured by…


Hahnemühle Photo Silk Baryta climbs the German Photo Summit in Oberstdorf

“Image selection is done, print production is running …” Romano P. Riedo informed us from Switzerland on his upcoming project. The winner of the Swiss Press Photo Awards 2014 prints its multi award winning black and white series ‘Hinterland’ (Back Country) on the new Hahnemühle Photo Silk Baryta for Oberstdorf Photo Summit (8 to 14…
