At the 2012 photokina, Hahnemühle will launch another paper intended for book and album printing. In cooperation with designer Michael Sontag, photographer Per Zennström will demonstrate the complete process of a fashion photography shoot at booth D017 in hall 06.1. Hahnemühle will also present the latest issue of the art magazine UPON PAPER. In addition, the fine art experts will demonstrate the variety and efficiency of precious fine art papers at part of the show ‘see me, feel me, print me’.
Hahnemühle wraps models in paper
Titled ‘No Limits – Paper makes creativity visible’, Hahnemühle will show the complete process of a fashion photography shoot: from the design to the perfect fine art print. To do so, star designer Michael Sontag wraps his models in dresses made of artist paper. Sontag doesn’t draw his collection, he rather works like a sculptor by draping the dresses right on the model. For the demonstrations in booth D017 in hall 06.1 he has created more than 10 dresses. A 30-minute making-of shows him creating the single copies.
During the shooting at the stand – by fashion photographer Per Zennström – the dresses are illuminated by different colours and forms, resulting in a permanently changing optical impression of the subject. The elusive moments captured by the pictures afterwards are subjected to image editing at a computer and the created pictures then will be printed in top quality. This extraordinary performance can be admired on every day of the fair.
Matt Fibre Duo for book and album print
The new ‘HARMAN Professional Inkjet by Hahnemühle Matt Fibre Duo’ was specially designed for the printing of bound books and albums. It can be printed on both sides and with its grammage of 210gsm it meets the fine art paper standards. At the same time, it’s thin and flexible enough to be bound. When binding books, the paper fibres always should run parallel to the back of the book cover to make turning the pages easier and avoid breakage of the spine. Therefore, the direction of the fibres is identical in all the sheets of a package and indicated on each box.
Italian photographer Nik Barte kindly donates stunning images of his project ‘DUNES – unveiled beauties’ from sand and stone derserts. “The deserts, the sand and the shapes of the dunes, for me, represent the greatest metaphor of live. Inside this environment you can discover the essence and beauty but also the signals of death. I like the full energy of the sun but also the total absence of light, the absolute absence of shapes and shadows in the absolute emptiness opposed to the most beautiful and attractive geometric shapes represented by the sinuosity of the dunes. And all that, the different grain of the sand, the windmade shapes and my emotions I could feature in my prints on the new HARMAN by Hahnemühle MATT FIBRE DUO creating memorable fine art books and albums.” For more information on the new paper and Nik Barte´s photo project watch the video.
Special show in hall 2.2
In the photokina special show ‘see me, feel me, print me’, all visitors are not only provided a visual impression of the variety of Hahnemühle papers but can also can feel the tactile qualities, as media samplers of the Digital FineArt Collection papers are available. Visit Hahnemuhle at the special-show booth in hall 2.2.
In addition, photokina will serve as the launch location for the second issue of the magazine UPON PAPER, featuring the main topic ‘Colors’.
For additional information from the world of the finest papers, have a look at our Blog showing works of reknown artists using Hahnemühle FineArt papers.
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