Paper is a versatile medium, capable of having many different qualities. For this reason we are pleased to present at Creative World 2018 the latest addition to our outstanding watercolour paper range.
Traditional Hahnemühle artist papers are produced according to ancient methods, using high-quality resources and pure spring water. Inspired by artists since 1584, Hahnemühle continues to grow and progress by combining experiences and knowledge gathered over the course of many centuries.
Harmony Watercolour – A natural-white paper for all wet-painting techniques. Harmony Watercolour features surface sizing. Colours stand out excellently on the paper and impress with their natural brilliance, thus giving every subject its very own, unique presence. It is available in Cold Pressed, Rough and Hot Pressed.

Expression Watercolour – the natural-white 100-percent cotton, surfaced sized paper, is suitable for all wet-painting techniques and etching. Expression Watercolour features surface sizing. Colours stand out excellently on the paper and impress with their natural brilliance, thus giving every subject its very own, unique presence.
Harmony and Expression Watercolour are both acid free, light-resistant and features extreme longevity. The surface is eraser resistant due to the surface sizing. Masking fluids or masking tape can easily be used and removed residue-free. While wet colours can be easily corrected or taken off.
Does it contain animal sizing or synthetic?
Dear Fabiana, Our artist papers are vegan and do not contain animal sizing.
Awesome! I will definitely try it! Sounds like a great paper! I love Hahnemühle paper, both for painting and photography.
these papers look incredible. I can’t wait to try both kinds! Excellent addition to your line.
These paper look promising. I’ve been “PVA sizing” my blocks of Veneto to get a better feel and response/control from the paper, and I think they look sweet 🙂 But where do they fit in the line? Somewhere between the Akademie and mould-made ? Totally different “beasts”? SAA prices them cheaper than the existing line of paper (per sheet of similar sized block of Veneto and Hahnemuehle 300) …
Are they available in Brasil yet? I’d love to try them.
Dear Diego,
Thank you for your interest in our new products. Yes, Harmony & Expression are new papers and are between Akademie and our Mould Made line
Please find a dealer in Brazil here:
Dove posso comprare questa carta Harmony & Expression Watercolor online grazie..
Dear Roksana,
please find a local dealer here:
Hi, I bought a Hahnemühle block for Watercolor recently. Now I’m trying to use, but the paint becames muddy and blurred, I can not control it well. Is there anything to do before using it? The block did not bring instructions. Where to get usage information? Tks!
Dear Sonia,
please send an e-mail to pr(at) describing your matter and mentioning the product name you have bought.
Thanks in advance.
I have bought a Leonardo rough 24×32 block.
I am EXTREMELY disppointed,
1) when I apply the colour it enters deep into the material and the water I apply next can’t light it up or change the contours,
2) after the colur dries out, when I rewet the colour it becomes very deep and I don’t know how it will look when it will dry out.
So I HAVE NO CONTOL about the colour!
I bought allmost all type of papers that you produce, starting whith the cheapest and getting step by step to the most expensive:
Leonardo and it NEVER happened anything similar to what I described above.
I could send you pictures to see what I meant.
So my questions are:
Is it normal for a Leonardo paper to behave like this?
I bought before ar Boesner excellent drawing paper 250g in package of 100 sheets, each week I go there and look for it and it never appeared again.
Do you still produce these package of drawing paper (approx dim A3)
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dear Virgil,
due to holidays we appologise for the late reply.
For quality issues please get in contact with our product management. Send your email to pr(at) We will forward your email. About Boesner´s Drawing Paper please refer directly to Boesner.
Your Hahnemühle Team
Dear Bettina,
Regarding the Leonardo watercolour paper, it says on the front of the block that it IS surface sized. Is this not correct?
Dear Alison,
you are right. Leonardo is surface sized.
Your Hahnemühle Team
Hi Virgil Mihai,
I have used Leonardo Paper before, theyre expensive so idont use them regularly, I have not experienced this issue with paper, infact, this paper has some relly good sizing on it, and because of good sizing, Colors will remain at the surface which means colors will lift easily and remain its brilliant colors,
One reason your Leonardo is behaving like this is probably one of the following reasons:
1. You have stretched your paper for too long like a day or at least several hours, soaking your paper for too long in water will significantly removed or wash the sizing this papers has. thus resulting in your problem mentioned above. Paper of this weight does not need stretching, even 300gsm paper of hahnemuhle does not need stretching.
2. The paper you have brought was not properly stored, like being exposed to moisture or water thus reducing the sizing as well as loosening the fibers of the papers resulting in your problems above. If this is your problem, I suggest to return the remaining papers you have at store and replaced them with newer stocks.
hope this helps..
Dear Bettina,
Thanks a lot for your mail, hope to get an answer,
Best greetings,
Dear Virgil,
we checked our inbox several times and couldn´t find an email from you. Please re-send and tell us your sender name so we could search the inbox.
Your Hahnemühle Team
Dear Hahnemuhle Team,
Regarding my Leonardo: I bought 2 of them, one upon which it is written sized, and it performs well, normally. The other one has nothing specified about being sized or not and performs very badly, it is the rough one.
I never stretch the paper as I buy only in blocks.
I am convinced there is something wrong with the paper, but never mind, I use Turner and it is reallly remarkable.
The reason I write to you is that on the front page of each block or paper pad SHOULD BE specified “sized/ not sized”, it is much more important than the information you offer now!!! To be clear, if it is not sized it should be written: “not sized”
Thank you for offering me the opportunity to send my Leonardo block back to you, I won’t do that.
Just let me know how I could buy from you the drawing paper 220g/m2, something like A3.
Be sure I am one of your most convinced fans and customer,
Wish you all the best,
Virgil MIHAI
Dear Virgil Mihai,
Generally, Hahnemuhle only state a watercolour paper is surface sized if it IS surface sized. If they say nothing about sizing on their website about a particular paper then it is NOT surface sized. For example, Turner is NOT surface sized. The position regarding Leonardo is confusing. On the website there is no mention of surface sizing, so we should assume there is no surface sizing. However, the information on the blocks of Leonardo state the paper is surface sized. I have sheets of Leonardo (hot press and matt) and the information on the package does NOT state it is surface sized. So it appears that the Leonardo blocks are surface sized (I’ve only seen this on the Matt blocks) but the individual 56 x 76 cm sheets are not. It may simply be a mistake on the labelling – I just don’t know. Clearly, it would be helpful if Hahnemuhle could provide us with full and correct information. Another factor to take into consideration is the type of surface sizing. Hahnemuhle uses synthetic surface sizing on the few papers that have surface sizing. Synthetic sizing performs differently to gelatine surface sizing. Personally, I prefer gelatine sizing as the paint performs better on it and it is noticeable that colours are more vibrant on papers with gelatine surface sizing. Some people also assume that if a paper is stated to have a hard surface – like Britannia – this means it is surface sized. It is not. A hard surface is not the same as surface sizing, but a hard surface will perform to keep the paint on the surface, keeping the colours vibrant. If you use a Rough texture paper then colours will sink into the paper a lot more than in a matt (cold press) surface and you will generally find you use more paint to produce vibrant colours. It is simply the nature of the rough texture. Of course, whether in blocks or sheets it would never be necessary to stretch any of the heavy Hahnemuhle papers with a weight above 300 gsm.
Ive been using your papers years ago simply because of having an excellent sizing, I mainly use Turner series and Cezzane Series, and one of the most unique characteristics of your paper is being able to hold a lot of water ( I mean a LOT, Like flooding my paper with water), easy color lifting, and very resistant to buckling, I can even glazed lots of layer and lift colors in turner paper that has no surface sizing, and the papers surface remain intact and strong and colors retains its brilliance. This shows how excellent hahnemuhle sizing is.
Now that you have released a new paper which is 100% Cotton Expression paper, that has the same Specification as Cezzane, can you tell me how is it different from your Mould Made Papers? Are these papers handmade or have used a different type of machine or have used a different sizing? I hope you could give me a clear answer how does it differ from your 100% cotton mould made paper.
Dear Dariel,
sorry for the late reply. Our Expression paper are produced on our foudrinier machine, the Cezanne is made on our cylinder mould paper machine. Therefore the structure of the papers are different. Please find more information about our production on our website.
So, Harmony and Expression is not mould paper and not akademie too , right?
Dear Nana,
Harmony and Expression are in a paper range of its own.
Expression made of 100 % cotton and Harmony made of 100 % Alpha Cellulose.
Dear Bettina,
I have a lot of different Hahnemuhle watercolour papers and I love them. I have recommended them to my YouTube friends. Some of my friends who have YouTube channels have received watercolour papers from you to try out, including your Turner watercolour paper. I have looked everywhere for a retailer in Europe in order to buy Turner watercolour paper but I cannot find it anywhere. I am in Ireland and I usually get my art supplies from the U.K. Do you know of anywhere I can buy Turner watercolour paper? Many thanks.
Dear Alison,
please have a look at our “Find a dealer” webpage:
If you could not find a dealer near you please contact our UK office to provide you a retailer.
Dear Bettina,
Thank you for your reply. I had previously checked out “Find a Dealer” on your webpage and searched through all the retailers listed but no one stocked your Turner watercolour paper. I have taken your advice and emailed your U.K. office to see if they can provide me with details of any retailer. I have been trying to find this particular paper for a year!
It would be great if you opened up your own online shop so we could buy all your watercolour papers directly from you. As you can see I’m a big fan!