Canyonlands e Arches 002 ©Jared Windmueller

“Awesome!” Jared Windmueller on Photo Rag® Metallic

Jared Windmueller is “Artist of the Month” in Hahnemühle´s FineArt Gallery featured by German magazine „ProfiFoto“ (issue 3/2019). He was one of the first photographers to test the new FineArt Paper Photo Rag® Metallic. Why does the metallic shimmering paper thrilled him even for his landscape photography? Read in here. Jared Windmueller Photographer How did…


Interview with Henthorne; well known black & white landscape photographer

Jason Henthorne is an international award-winning artist who works in the medium of high contrast black and white photography. Influenced primarily by his passion for the oceans of the world, these intersections of ocean and earth provide the backdrop for his minimalistic ethereal visions of cumulative time. For his latest project “Between Worlds” he cooperated…
