From the studio: How a pastel on Ingres paper arise

Maria Harmony Gratia Bruchmann (USA) on her pastel painting “Beekeeping in the city”, the June motif in Hahnemühle´s art calendar 2016. I’m a self taught, art history interested, environmentally aware and scientifically oriented person, trying to find enlightenment in what I do. I love to paint to find the innermost circle of my soul and…


A new paper is ‘born’ – the story of Hahnemühle Platinum Rag

In photography, handmade, analog prints in vintage style are en vogue in addition to the digital prints of today. A loyal community of collectors, museums, galleries and not least highly specialised print professionals who practice and teach the alternative photographic techniques such as platinum or palladium print need special papers for alternative processes. Hahnemühle has…
