The Beautiful World of Art: An Interview with Linda Mundo

Hello dear Linda, how lovely that you could take the time for this interview! We would like to thank you sincerely and are already looking forward to learning more about you. So, let’s dive right in! First, it would be great if you could tell us a bit about yourself and your personal background. Who…


Two TIPA World Awards 2023 for Hahnemühle

For the first time, Hahnemühle receives two TIPA World Awards. In 2023, Hahnemühle wins in the categories “BEST PHOTO CARDS” and “BEST PHOTO PAPER”.  This makes the paper manufacturer now a 12-time TIPA World Awards winner since 2005. Consumers can use the TIPA WORLD AWARDS as a useful benchmark and guide when making purchasing decisions.…


Hahnemühle Watercolour Postcards in a box artwork ©Marina Abramova

New York or Port of Hamburg? New Watercolour Postcards Boxes

The New York skyline and the port of Hamburg adorn the 11th edition of the watercolour postcard boxes. Watercolourist Marina Abramova painted both motifs exclusively for the small metal boxes. They are now available for one year – in limited quantities. So get yours quickly as the boxes have become collector’s items. Each box contains…


Hahnemuehle Watercolour Postcardbox with motifs by Alexa Dilla

Jubilee Edition: Watercolour Postcard Box with Venice Motif

Un cappucci per favore – one morning in Venice A guest article by Alexa Dilla Who actually is painting the pictures for Hahnemühle’s Watercolour Postcard Box? For the jubilee edition, the 10th edition of the small metal boxes with the watercolour postcards, we asked Alexa Dilla. With her fresh, urban picture ‘La dolce vita’ in…


Coffeelings AmarAmor – Coffee-art on Hahnemühle Watercolour postcards

Coffee on cards – art with the brown caffeinated beverage by Janaina Santos on Hahnemühle Watercolour postacards. We have found the artist from Brazil and her cute painted love stories “Coffeelings AmarAmor” on Instagram hashtagged #Hahnemuehle. Now we are pleased to present a guest article by her.