Paperlove Hahnemühle dmage Canon whiteBox Paper Residency ! 2020

Paper Residency ! – Summer 2020

Apply NOW until the 18th of January 2020 for a Paper Residency ! at d’mage Berlin or at whiteBOX München! Topic: Paper – Light – Shadow Paper Residency ! Is aimed at visual artists who either already have experience with sculptural paper work, or who have an idea or a concept for sculptural experimental paper…


Paperlove dmage Hahnemühle Canon Germany Artist Residence 2019

Summer Residence 2019 for artists in Berlin or Munich

Apply until January, 18 2019 for the summer residences, d’mage 2019 Berlin and the summer residence in cooperation with d’mage/whiteBOX Munich Themed: Paper, light, shadow The summer residencies are aimed at fine artists who either already have experience with the sculptural paper work or who have an idea or a concept of what they want…


Watercolor by Marina Abramova on Leonardo Mould-Made Artist Paper by Hahnemühle

Heavy construction machine in a ‘light’ watercolour

A watercolour by and with Marina Abramova Up to now, people tend to believe that watercolours suit just landscape and flower painting particularly well. Today I will paint an excavator to demonstrate that watercolour painting offers far more possibilities. And don’t be afraid, this will be anything but technical drawing where every detail has to…


Christmas raffle 2017 – Your chance to win a Brush Lettering Set

As 2017 comes to a close, we look back with pleasure to a successful and exciting 2017. Without you, our customers, this would not have been possible. We thank you for your trust and your loyalty. With our Christmas raffle we would like to spread some Christmas joy to you. On this first Advent you can…


Hand Lettering Paper in Pads by Hahnemühle

When Letters become Art … Hahnemühle launches a Hand Lettering pad

The art of writting beautiful letters is ubiquitous. In line with the current trend hand lettering, Hahnemühle launches a specially designed pad. The Hahnemühle Hand Lettering Pad offers hand lettering enthusiasts a first-class foundation for practising their art. Developed together with hand lettering artists, it has been tailored to their specific needs, forming the basis…


“So much inspiration!” An artists’ visit at Hahnemühle

Alexa Dilla, painter on board of cruise ships, author and lecturer, made a stop-over at our paper mill and had been impressed by process of artist paper making that she likes so much. Read her guest contribution about her visit to the oldest German artists’ paper factory. “An opportunity I hoped to be offered for…


It´s movie time! Cineastes edition of Julian Rentzsch and Stellavie

It is the profound love and appreciation for movies and their creators that truly inspired these collection of prints by Stellavie. The Hamburg based design studio is run by Steffen Heidemann and Viktoria Klein. This time, the duo partnered up with illustrator Julian Rentzsch. Pairing skillfully set typography and beautiful Hahnemühle William Turner cotton paper…


Small but mighty! ACEO/ACT Cards

Inga Semisow The size of an image says nothing about its value. Artist Trading Cards (or ACEO/ATC), such as the Hahnemühle Bamboo Mixed Media, are like small gems.


Greetings from Abroad on Hahnemühle Watercolour postcards

Yulia Demina To tell the truth, my education and current job do not relate to creativity at all. I am an auditor in one of the largest international companies. Me and my friends like to travel very much. And it’s a tradition to bring small presents (for example, magnets) or send postcards from different countries…
