Maria Harmony Gratia Bruchmann (USA) on her pastel painting “Beekeeping in the city”, the June motif in Hahnemühle´s art calendar 2016.
I’m a self taught, art history interested, environmentally aware and scientifically oriented person, trying to find enlightenment in what I do.
I love to paint to find the innermost circle of my soul and its connection to the universe.
Inspiring by Renaissance art and Impressionistic paintings I’m trying to create a new style in watercolour painting. For my victorious motif in Hahnemühle´s annual calendar painting contest themed “Nature in the city” I opted for the pastel painting technique and decided on Ingres, 100 gsm paper, a luxury mould-made paper with perfect smooth surface for pastel pigments to adhesive.
As a big advocate for beekeeping on urban terrain I found myself inspecting beekeepers tending to their precious hives on rooftops while overlooking the skyline of Manhattan.
The legalization and encouragement of urban beekeeping is a big step into securing our next generation’s future and might have bigger results than we can now even fathom.
Many times I started sketching with a simple pen and paper that would ultimately lead me to my watercolours but for this competition I decided to take the pastel route. I used Hahnemühle Ingres – Mould- made Pastel, rough paper and utilized the Schminke pastel crayons.
More than fourteen layers were painted, starting off light, intensifying layer upon layer, to create an almost 3D like feeling of the two beekeepers, concentrating on the task at hand, in front of a Manhattan high-rise.
Mars Violet, Turquoise and Yellow were the most important color feelings I worked with to recreate the incredible dance of hues and lights for the depicted setting. With lighter, faster movements I let the colors find their own rhythm.
I hope this painting brings you all great joy and that it raises a little awareness to the importance of honeybees in the city!
By the way: This year´s calendar contest features animals. Join in and take part with a bestial portrait. Deadline is approaching. More details on Hahnemühle´s painting competition can be found here.